Monday, June 21, 2004

Motor Install

Well I stuffed the engine back in again. There's a pic of my engine hoist works good except it takes 2 people as I can't guide the engine and reach the lift control levers on the tractor at the same time. You can see my trusty '86 rx-7 in the back ground.Never quite looks like it will fit. Just have to tip the trans down and it clears. no problem. Last pic of where it is at right now. Not a good picture but I have the mounts all bolted up, driveshaft, steering radiator etc all hooked up. Forgive the tie wraps holding the radiator fan in place. It's a crappy fan from a junk car just for some initial runs. I will get a larger 2 speed fan soon.Due to the fact I reworked the intake so it now points to the engine front instead of engine rear I had to cut open the wiring harness and move the location of many of the connections. That was hours of fun with wire spaghetti. I tried starting the engine and got some pops and some exhaust but it wouldn't catch. The battery was low It may just be out of gas I'll put some gas in it after work plug into the OBDII and see what I can find out.Hopefully I'll get a ride tonight.Still have plenty of details to deal with including installing an exhaust but I'd like to go for a ride anyway.

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